Caleb and Riley are joined by Christene Gordon, Executive Director at the Alzheimer’s Society. Christene has been with the Alzheimer’s Society in various roles for over 30 years delivering consistent, person-centered programs and partnerships.
Unfortunately, experiencing a form of Dementia is common, and can often emerge as we progress in our retirements. The annual cost of dementia to the Canadian economy and healthcare system is over 10 Billion dollars, and it’s affecting over half a million people in Canada alone. So we all need to have compassion.
And to borrow a quote I came across “Those with dementia are still people and they still have stories and they still have character and they are all individuals and they are all unique. And they just need to be interacted with on a human level”. The goal of todays episode is to help teach us all about what dementia truly is, and the ways in which we can create and access support for it as a community.
Learn more about:
- The mysteries of dementia and Alzheimer’s, exploring its stages, risk factors, and the human experiences behind it.
- Common misconceptions and uncover the unseen realities faced by those living with dementia.
- How to best support and empower people with dementia within your community and daily life.
- The most effective tools, apps, and partners available for care and support.
- Christene’s personal insights on retirement and dementia, offering a unique perspective on how to prepare for a meaningful future..
Hosted by Caleb Miller and Riley Anderson of InvestorDNA
Meet Caleb and Riley
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